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The Power of Forgiveness at Work

Over the last two decades, much research has been published about the positive impact of forgiveness, particularly on the forgiver and in relationships. Now, a new study -- building on a smaller but...

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What Matters Most?

Most of us make our way through life bogged down by our day-to-day rituals, and the demands of jobs, families and friends. But as author Patty de Llosa points out, it is imperative to stop and ask...

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We All Benefit When We Design For Disability

"I believe that losing my hearing was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received," says Elise Roy. As a disability rights lawyer and design thinker, she knows that being deaf gives her a unique way...

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Anne-Marie Bauer: An Ethic of Care

Growing up in the US and Finland as one of six children, and big sister to three younger brothers, Anne-Marie donned a care-taking cap and cross-cultural competency from an early age. In her...

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Love's Footprints: A Bittersweet Tale of Lost & Found

"My colleagues who know about Pet Grief said "Get a paw print from Stella before she dies." Determined to honor her passing exactly right, I vowed "I will get that footprint." So begins this powerful...

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'Tashi & The Monk' Goes to the Emmys

Lobsang Phuntsok is a former Tibetan monk who trained with the Dalai Lama and spent years teaching Buddhism in the West. In 2006, he moved back to establish a community in the Himalayan foothills for...

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Seeking Better Ways of Thinking & Being

"The small street-level space that had been a pop-up office for fresh Helsinki-based start-ups, transformed perfectly into a gallery. A long table, dozens of colorful post-its, and a bulky arcade game...

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Lessons from Living in Nature

Nisha Srinivasan and her husband Ragu Padmanabhan had Silicon Valley careers, when in 2008, soon after having their son Aum, they promptly sold everything and moved to rural India. They wanted to farm,...

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Back on My Feet: Running to End Homelessness

Running has been known to alleviate a host of society's woes -- childhood obesity, stress, drug addiction. . . and now we can add homelessness to the list. Not through a 5K fundraiser as one might...

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Fleet Maull: Waking Up in Prison

Fleet Maull founded Prison Dharma Network in 1989 while serving a 14.5 year mandatory-minimum sentence for drug smuggling at a maximum security federal prison medical facility. He led a twice weekly...

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Small is Better

"As a horsewoman, I've come to see that so many theories that work with eliciting real learning and collaboration for horses, work magically with their human counterparts. The brilliant horseman and...

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Fierce Contemplation: The Nuns Who Stopped a Pipeline

On August 8, 2013, Ceciliana Skees and other sisters from Loretto and several other convents attended an informational meeting held by representatives of the Bluegrass Pipeline. A joint venture between...

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From Royalty to Relics: India's Dinosaur Princess

Known as India's very own "Jurassic Park," the Balasinor Fossil Park lies nestled in the tiny Raiyoli village of Gujarat's Khera district. And guarding the Park's 65-million-year-old eggs is a fiercely...

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Gifts for Gifted Children

"What gifts can we offer gifted children? How can we who are their guardians do justice by them? The first gift is not to praise them for their talents alone. Just as a beautiful child is often praised...

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A Bible Belt Church's Response to a Mosque

Leaders of a growing Muslim community in Memphis, Tennessee, wanted to build an Islamic center where they could gather not just to worship, but to host weddings and other parties; gather on weekends...

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The Man Who Transformed a Wasteland

For years, Jonathan Bergman was bothered by the sight of a neglected piece of property across the street from his office. It was a wasteland -- overgrown, ugly, trash-strewn, unloved. In the middle of...

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How to Cultivate Ethical Courage

Have you ever been in a situation where, morally, you know how you want to act or respond, but instead react differently due to outside pressures and influences? If yes, you are certainly not alone....

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Artistic Noise: Transforming the Lives of Incarcerated Youth

For fifteen years, Artistic Noise has been giving a voice to young people who might otherwise go unheard: those who are incarcerated, on probation, or otherwise involved in the justice system. By...

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Parker Palmer on the Heart of a Teacher

What is at the core of an exceptional teacher? Is it innate skills? In-depth knowledge? Infinite wisdom? Parker Palmer's book, "The Courage to Teach," proposes a different philosophy: the foundation...

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Forgiving My Brother's Killer

This year, as he has done every year since September 15, 2002, Rana Sodhi hosted a memorial for his brother, Balbir Singh Sodhi who was shot while planting flowers in front of his store just four days...

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