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When Kids Say Thanks

When a child shows or feels gratitude, how does it affect other areas of his or her life over time? How best could we bring this practice into schools? What techniques in which settings produce the...

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How Behavioral Science Helps Tackle Big Issues

Over the past several decades, behavioral science researchers have uncovered a wealth of fascinating insights into the human mind. But much of this study has been confined to laboratories and academia....

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Designing Companies that Are Loved

"When Scott Elias lost 80% of his hearing in kindergarten, his emotional and intuitive connection to the world went into overdrive like a sixth sense. When his hearing was surgically restored two years...

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She Lost A Daughter. Today She Shelters 800 Girls

Outside of one home in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh, India), sits a baby's cradle, awaiting another child to be left it its bed to be given a new life. This cradle has taken in hundreds of abandoned and...

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Marjorie Maddox: Writing Across Genres

"One of my favorite lines is from the modern poet Marianne Moore. She defines poetry as both a poet being a literalist of the imagination, but a poem being something that "has imaginary gardens with...

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Active Hope

Shifting our world toward a life-sustaining society takes active hope. We need to counter the voices that say we're not up to the task, that we're not good enough, strong enough, or wise enough to make...

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Meredith's Joy Jars

"While having trouble transitioning to high school in 2011, my mom placed a big bowl of quotes on my desk to pick from every morning. I grudgingly agreed, but as time went on I realized what a gift...

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Become Your Own Greenspace

Studies reveal that contentment, interconnectedness and wellbeing levels all increase with exposure to the vibration of natural greenspaces. According to this article 'you don't need a rooftop garden...

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Anthony Chavez: Continuing a Legacy of Inspiration

When Cesar Chavez died, 30,000 people showed up to march in his honor. He was the visionary force behind the United Farm Workers union and had led the Farm Workers Movement fighting for civil rights...

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The Man Who Died and Came Back to Plant Trees

Twenty some years ago David Milarch hovered above the bed, looking down at his motionless body. Years of alcoholism and hard living had booted him out of his life. A cosmic commandment would return him...

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The Evolution of Gratitude

Malini Suchak, assistant professor of animal behavior, ecology, and conservation at Canisius College, researches gratitude, discovering that "Gratitude is one of the fundamentally important parts of...

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The Vet Who Is Saving India's Orphaned Animals

For over 16 years now, Dr. Bhaskar Choudhary and his team at the Wildlife Rescue Center in Assam, India, have been working tirelessly to rehabilitate over a thousand orphan and injured wild animals,...

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Greeting the Light: A Conversation with James Turrell

"I was a Quaker and then, for a while, I wasn't. And now I am again," Thus begins a deep conversation with one of the worlds most important artists. Learning to fly when he was sixteen, later he flew...

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Are Two Lives Saved Twice as Good as One?

"Are two lives saved twice as good as one life saved?" A decision-analysis expert uses this provocative question as a springboard into an exploration of what we value, how we value it, the costly...

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Why Play? This Is Serious

While play is fun, it also has serious benefits -- for everyone. "Play and games (with and without rules) enable us to learn about ourselves, who we want to be, and how we see ourselves in the world....

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Luc and the Lovingtons: Music as a Force of Love

At 6-years-old Luc Reynaud announced to his teacher that he was going to paint the moon. "And what about the Earth, Luc? What about the universe?" Luc felt an electric surge of energy through his body,...

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Filtering a Plastic Ocean

After 50 years of dumping plastics in the ocean, our seas are returning deadly microplastic particles to our beaches all over the world. This short film, Filtering A Plastic Ocean, explores the impact...

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He Showed Us The Way: A Speech by Cesar Chavez on MLK

"The burdens of generations of poverty and powerlessness lie heavy in the fields of America,"said Cesar Chavez in April 1978, rallying farm workers and praising Martin Luther King's use of non-violence...

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A Mindful Approach to Time Management

Do you have dreams you are putting off for that "someday" in the future? Dreams of writing a book, taking a journey that changes your life, creating an organization to help the world, or any other...

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Blueberries and the Art of Being Present

Plucking a juicy, vibrant ripe blueberry from its tree is a blissful moment for Alanda Greene. Drinking in the aroma of the fruit as she harvests the bright blue bunches, she feels moments of...

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