"I am happier now, after the angst of my earlier years. Those years were rough. I started life in a factory as a coiled mix of copper and zinc being pressed into a small, cup-like shape. Then I was pulled mechanically into a cylinder and stretched to form a tight tube. Even the memory is painful: in order to be stretched without breaking, I had to be heated, annealed, pickled, rinsed, and measured, over and over." So begins this post in the monthly "Objective Lens " column written by Sr. Marilyn Lacey. Rich with empathic imagination and "object lessons," each post is an opportunity to look at the world from the point of view of an inanimate object in Haiti or Africa. This one is written in the voice of, "an unwilling accessory to death: the metal casing for an AK-47 bullet," who ultimately finds redemption.