This spring, 17 children from six slums in India are embarking on a one-of-a-kind journey to share a message of love and oneness with the world. The Jai Jagat Show they will present is a 90-minute dance, drama and musical production celebrating the values that Mahatma Gandhi embodied. The show includes inspiration from other global heroes, like Malala Yousafzai, Wangari Mathai, Masahisa Goi, Yusra Mardini, and more. In the 150th year since Gandhi's birth, these young artistes hope to inspire audiences towards nurturing a brighter tomorrow for our planet. The troupe has spent eighteen months training with celebrated 'Empty Hands' musician Nimo Patel, and other volunteers at Manav Sadhna, an organization that has been serving underprivileged communities in Gujarat, India since 1995. Through the remarkable process they've undergone, the children have come to embody the values they portray in the Jai Jagat journey--the whole earth is one family.